0 komentarzy LifeWay
In two years’ time, the tiny 1% of the world’s richest folks will own more than half of our world’s fortune. Is that a fair ratio?
0 komentarzy Social Media
Even if you can see I’ve read your message, that doesn’t mean I’ll respond immediately.
1 komentarz Social Media
I’m not sure whether to find this funny or worrying. Though I don’t use Facebook emoticons and would end that trend if given a chance, I cannot comprehend how sad (and fat) one has to be to get ...
0 komentarzy LifeWay
Being indifferent towards the suffering of others is one of the hardest character flaws to admit having. Recently, I was very amused with the comment sections of articles concerning the Norwegian ...
0 komentarzy Travel Style
The alarm clock goes off at 6:45 a.m. I open my curtains and get blinded by the rising sun. Back to bed. The next alarm sounds wake me up at 7:30. This time I wake up, mad at myself for ...
0 komentarzy Travel Style
It’s said to be one of the hundred best hotels in the entire world as well as the best hotel in Kenya according to Holidaycheck. It’s recommended by Tripadvisor and various travel agencies. You’d ...
0 komentarzy Travel Style
I cannot recall the island’s name, though the size of it makes me think it’s entirely possible it doesn’t have one. We travelled there just to have dinner.
0 komentarzy Travel Style
There’s always people who know better than you how you should relax. Here’s all the knowledge I’ve been blessed with since I came here: there’s no point in going online during my vacation, I have ...
0 komentarzy Travel Style
Hands down, this is the most beautiful beach I’ve ever been on. But it’s still not the one I’ve been looking for. When the tide is low, it leaves a lot of various flora on the beach. When it’s ...
0 komentarzy Style-of-Life
It’s hard to get good coffee in New York City if you don’t know where to look. Well, I don’t know where to look. All of my regular places serve coffee that’s either ‘just decent’ or ‘outright ...
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It’s a regular day in the bookstore. I’m standing in line to get some coffee. There’s a girl in front of me. Suddenly, Billy Crystal pops out of nowhere, asking us whether he can cut in line ...